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Administrative boundary database
A dataset on the administrative boundary for the country up to taluka level with HQ (2015).
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ASI Unit level data (1974-2016)
Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) covers the units registered under the factories Act. Though these units are manufacturing units there are also a few non-manufacturing industries covered. It generates data on input, output, employment, wage bill, capital formation etc., on an annual basis.
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CDP Global Dataset
The CDP is a global organization that works with companies, investors, and governments to measure and manage environmental impacts, including carbon emissions, water use, and deforestation. The CDP Climate Change Scores evaluate companies based on their level of disclosure and action on climate change-related issues. The scores are based on a comprehensive questionnaire that asks companies about their greenhouse gas emissions, climate-related risks and opportunities, and strategies for reducing their environmental impact. The CDP then assesses this information to provide companies with a score between A and D-, with A being the highest score and D- being the lowest. The scores also identify companies that are leaders in sustainability and environmental performance. The datasets are available in Excel spreadsheets for each year of the data.
- The climate change data (2003 - 2021)
- The supply chain data (2010 - 2014)
- Cities data (2011 - 2014)
- The water data(2010 - 2014)
- Forests data (2013 - 2014)
- Public climate change score data (2009 - 2021)
Census of India (1991, 2001 & 2011)
The Indian census is the source of information on demography (population characteristics), economic activity, literacy and education, housing & household amenities, urbanization, fertility and mortality, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, language, religion, migration, disability and many other socio-economic and demographic data. It's the source of primary data of village, town and ward level. It provides valuable information for planning and formulation policies for central and the state governments.
- Restricted Access (in Library) | CDs Avaliable at Library | CDs List
CI Technology (2016-2022)
Company Intelligence (formerly called CITDB) offers a comprehensive data inventory, encompassing a wide range of information such as company details, technographics, and contacts all in one dataset, which represents 90% of IT buying worldwide. With 1,58,51,821 accounts, 2,01,90,306 sites, 4,92,90,264 contacts (including emails and LinkedIn handles), and 72,68,02,543 technology installs, it ensures a vast and standardized dataset. Additionally, the database covers budget information available at both account and site levels, covering IT budgets, technology totals, and technology installs for greater insights.
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CounterPoint Mobile Handset Data (India & Bangladesh)
CounterPoint datasets - Monthly model sales tracker database for smartphone (India from January 2017 to May 2018 & Bangladesh from January 2016 to March 2018)
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Daily Rainfall Data (1975 - 2006 & 2012)
This Dataset contains about Ahmedabad Station's Daily Rainfall Data for the years 1975-2006 and 2012.
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Daily Surface Data (2004 - 2011)
It includes data on temperature, humidity, wind speed and visibility for 10 cities in India in different climatic zones. Its analyses various parameters including; temperature, rainfall, evaporation, duration of sunshine in hours, force of wind and squall data from the year 2004 to 2011.
- Restricted Access (in Library) CD002191
DGCIS monthly time series data (January 2002 to August 2017)
The data includes the quantity and value of various pulses imported from different countries via major ports of India. The pulses covered are peas, chickpeas, pigeon peas, beans, kidney beans, cowpeas, lentils and some other varieties. The data includes the quantity (in kgs) and value (in US $) of these commodities over different months from 2002 till 2017.
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District GDP of India (2001-2002 to 2015-2016)
The District GDP is the database on the Indian economy, contains information on the performance of the economy at the district level. More importantly, it provides sector wise estimates of GDP for each of the districts of India (as per Census 2011).
It provides; Aggregate GDP, Primary sector (agriculture, mining, fishing, forestry, livestock), Secondary sector (construction, electricity, gas & water supply, manufacturing), Tertiary sector (transport, storage & communication, trade, hotel & restaurant, public administration, banking & insurance, others) - Overall 3 major sectors and all sub-sectors of the economy. Per worker and per capita GDP & sectoral share across all sectors (at current prices) from 2001-02 t0 2015-16. GDP forecast for the above mentioned sectors till 2017-18. GDP of IT- manufacturing and IT- services (at current and constant prices) & per worker GDP IT-manufacturing and IT-services (at current prices) for 2001-02 to 2015-16.
- Restricted Access (CyberLab PC-8 in the Library )
District Wise Monthly Rainfall Data (1901-2010)
This Dataset contains data about Indian District's Monthly Rainfall Data for the years 1901-2010.
- Restricted Access (CD002444, in the Library)
IEA dataset (CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion) 1994, 2000, 2005 to 2007, 2009 to 2014
This data service contains an annual time series (1994, 2000, 2005 to 2007, 2009 to 2014) of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion, a major source of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.
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IMS AntiTB Molecule data (Mar 2010 Feb 2014)
IMS Anti TB data is the drug sales audit data of anti-tuberculosis private drug market. It provides national, regional, metro and town class data from March 2010 to February 2014. It gives detailed description of the drugs like; name of the drug, brand, manufacturer, company name, group of the drug, etc.
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India Administrative Districts maps with PCA attribute data (Census 1991, 2001, 2011)
Provides data with GIS information (Shape 5 data) on India administrative districts maps as per census 1991, 2001, 2011.
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Meteorological Data (Ahmedabad & Gandhinagar 2014-2016)
This Dataset contains about Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar Station's Daily maximum & minimum temperature, Daily total rainfall, Daily relative humidity, Daily wind direction & wind speed, and Air Pressure ( SLP ) for the years 2014-2016.
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Monthly Surface Data (1961-2014)
It includes data on temperature, humidity, wind speed and visibility for 30 cities in India in different climatic zones. Its analyses various parameters including; temperature, rainfall, evaporation, duration of sunshine in hours, force of wind and squall data from the year 1961 to 2014.
- Restricted Access (CD002393, in the Library)
National Stock Exchange Data (NSE) - CM & FAO (1999 - Present)
Historical Trade data: Historical high-frequency tick by tick trades data is provided on DVDs/CDs and through internet download facility. The historical data is available for the capital market segment (CM), futures & option segment (FAO) and wholesale debt market segment (WDM). Historical data contains: (a) Day wise bhavcopy for each trading day (b) Circulars issued by NSE or NSCCL during the month (c) Masters containing information like symbols, series, ISINs, etc. (d) Snapshots of the limit order book at four time points in the day and (e) Trades data containing details about every trade that took place.
CM (January 1999 - Present) and FAO (January 2000 - Present)
NSE-CM Order & Trade Data-2019-2021
NSS Data (Round No 51-73) (1994-2016)
The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in India is a unique setup to carry out surveys on socio-economic, demographic, agricultural and industrial subjects for collecting data from households and from enterprises located in villages and in the towns. It is a focal agency of the Govt. of India for collection of statistical data in the areas which are vital for developmental planning.
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The Vikram Sarabhai Library has 115+ databases in its e-resources collection. The databases have been divided into different categories content wise like company & country database, scholarly resources, research support resources and legal databases. These databases fulfill the specific requirements sought by the users.
- Most of the databases are accessible through IP, while some databases require log-in ID & password.
- The faculty and existing students can access the databases off-campus through Remote Access.
- The Databases should be used solely for academic and research needs and not for any commercial purpose.
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The Vikram Sarabhai Library (VSL) is named after Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, world renowned physicist and founding Director of IIMA. It was set up in 1962 and is one of the best management libraries in Asia. The library is open 24x7. Our mission is to facilitate convenient and user friendly access to current, global and relevant information by identifying, acquiring, organizing and retrieving information in various formats (print & non print) to serve the information needs of the academic fraternity of IIMA to meet their teaching, research, consulting, training and learning requirements.
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