Faculty Publications (Books)

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Organizational theory, design and change

Organizational theory, design and change by Jones, Gareth R.; Gupta, Vishal and Gopakumar, K. V. (2024)

Climate change adaptation: traditional wisdom and cross-scale understanding

Climate change adaptation: traditional wisdom and cross-scale understanding by Bikkina, Nalini; Turaga, Rama Mohana R. (2024)

Digital expressions of the self(ie): the social life of selfies in India

Digital expressions of the self(ie): the social life of selfies in India by Ray, Avishek; Dattatreyan, Ethiraj Gabriel; Raman, Usha; Web, Martin; Gupta, Neha; Komarraju, Sai Amulya; Premika, Anuja; Azam, Riad; Salim, Farhat and Subramanian, Pranavesh (2024)

75 amazing Indians who made a difference

75 amazing Indians who made a difference by Gupta, Vishal K.; Gupta, Vishal (2024)

Data science for complex systems

Data science for complex systems by Chakrabarti, Anindya S.; Bakar, K. Shuvo and Chakraborti, Anirban (2023)

Flattening the curve: COVID-19 and grand challenges for global health, innovation, and economy

Flattening the curve: COVID-19 and grand challenges for global health, innovation, and economy by Chatterjee, Chirantan; Chakrabarti, Anindya S.; Deolalikar, Anil B, (2023)

Human resource management

Human resource management by Dessler, Gary; Varkkey, Biju (2023)

Intelligent transportation systems: concepts and cases

Intelligent transportation systems: concepts and cases by Narayanaswami, Sundaravalli (2023)

Teacher development in India: building on grassroots innovations and technology

Teacher development in India: building on grassroots innovations and technology by Chand, Vijaya Sherry; Kuril, Samvet and Deshmukh, Ketan Satish (2022)

Leapfrog: six practices to thrive at work

Leapfrog: six practices to thrive at work by Sud, Mukesh; Narayan, Priyank (2022)

Legal aspects of business (8th ed.)

Legal aspects of business (8th ed.) by Pathak, Akhileshwar (2022)

Reverse subsidies in global monopsony capitalism: gender, labour, and environmental injustice in garment value chains

Reverse subsidies in global monopsony capitalism: gender, labour, and environmental injustice in garment value chains by Nathan, Dev; Bhattacharjee,Shikha Silliman; Rahul, S.; Kumar, Purushottam; Dahagani, Immanuel; Singh, Sukhpal, Swaminathan, Padmini (2022)

Studies in quantitative decision making: selected papers from XXIII annual international conference of the society of operations management

Studies in quantitative decision making: selected papers from XXIII annual international conference of the society of operations management by Ghosh, Diptesh; Khanra, Avijit; Vanamalla, S. V.; Hamid, Faiz & Sengupta, Raghu Nandan (2022)

Causes and symptoms of socio-cultural polarization: role of information and communication technologies

Causes and symptoms of socio-cultural polarization: role of information and communication technologies by Qureshi, Israr; Bhatt, Babita; Gupta, Samrat and Tiwari, Amit Anand (2022)

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