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General (5)

General rules are available on the library webpage - Library Rules
Library is open 24 x 7, 365 days. - For more details please Click here
You can get photocopy of only 10% of total pages of a book. Self-automated photocopy machine is available in library for students. Other library users can take help of stack assistant available at photocopy counter in the library. For More Information
Yes, two b/w (black and white) and one colour printer cum photocopy machine is available in the library and this facility is available 24x7. For More Information
You can book the discussion room through the library webpage Link.

Circulation (12)

You can access the library online catalogue by using the following link: https://vslopac.iima.ac.in/
The information on borrowing privileges for IIMA academic communities is available on the library webpage - Services OR by clicking the following link:

For Students - https://library.iima.ac.in/for-students.html

For faculty - https://library.iima.ac.in/for-faculty.html

Yes, you can issue/return the library books by yourself using your Library RFID (ID) card at the self-issue/return Kiosk available in the library. More Information
You can pay fine/overdue charges through online payment link OR visit the library personally and pay fine/overdue charges through digital payment option at the circulation counter during library circulation hours.
You cannot borrow new arrival books (latest displayed), print periodicals (loose issues), Audio-Visual Materials, CDs/DVDs and reference materials.

Note: Faculty member can issue audio-visual materials, CDs/DVDs, print periodicals and reference materials.
You can return the library book/s at the circulation counter, in the library OR by using self-issue/return Kiosk in the library OR in the drop box available at new campus. More Information
You can reserve/hold book/s through the online catalogue (OPAC) by using your library credentials (ID number and password).
You can renew library book/s through the online catalogue (OPAC) by using your library credentials (ID number and password) OR at the library circulation counter during circulation hours OR using self-issue/return kiosk at the library.
You can write an email to circulation@iima.ac.incirculation@iima.ac.in OR you may come personally to the library and contact to the library staff available at the circulation counter.
You can write an email to circulation@iima.ac.in OR you can come personally to the library and contact to Circulation in-charge available at circulation counter.
You can contact to the staff member available at the circulation counter.

Resources (8)

Term books (CU materials) are the required and recommended reading suggested by a faculty for a particular term. The copies of the same will be available at circulation counter in the library.
Reserve sequence materials are recommended reading suggested by a faculty for particular periods. The copies of the same will be available at circulation counter in the library as reference. Such materials cannot be borrowed, and referred within the library premises.
You can access e-books by using the following link: E-Books
You can search the books through OPAC and click on the title, and you can find the location of the book.
You can find thesis or dissertation by using the following link: Thesis and Dissertations
You can find Hindi books by using the following link: Hindi Books
E-journals can be accessed through the library webpage - A-Z ejournals
Most of the databases subscribed by library are IP enabled so you can access them from anywhere within the campus (Institute IP range). Certain databases can be accessible within the library premises (Cyber-Lab) only. The mode of access is clearly mentioned with the name of the databases mentioned on the library website - Databases

Acquisition (2)

You can suggest book/s through the online catalogue (OPAC) by using your library credentials (ID number and password).
Go to the library web page Click on My library Koha enter your username and password click on My Purchase Suggestion Status

Reference (4)

You can e-mail to reference@iima.ac.in for reference query OR you can fill the request form for reference query.
You can email to reference@iima.ac.in OR you can fill the request form for article/book request.

Note:This facility is only for internal members of IIM Ahmedabad
You can send an email to reference@iima.ac.in OR you can fill the request form OR you may come personally to the library and contact to the reference staff available at the reference section – first floor.
If you would like to help in accessing any database/s or online resources, you can email to reference@iima.ac.in, database@iima.ac.in, librarian@iima.ac.in, OR call on 079-71524984/82

Databases (11)

Most of the databases subscribed by library are IP enabled so you can access them from anywhere within the campus (Institute IP range). Certain databases can be accessible within the library premises (Cyber-Lab) only. The mode of access is clearly mentioned with the name of the databases mentioned on the library website - Databases
Yes, you can access library databases/e-resources outside the campus though Remote Access Facility (RemoteXs).
Almost all the databases can be accessed through remoteXs except Thomson Reuters Eikon, Prowess IQ, Bloomberg, and Standalone databases. For more details, Click here.
Go to the library web page >> Click on Research Assistance >> In others, select Grammarly >> Click on Join Your Organisation >> Register with IIMA email ID.
Please visit the library and contact to staff at circulation counter for Bloomberg Login Credential.
Most of the e-Resources subscribed by library are IP enabled so you can access them from anywhere within the campus (Institute IP range). Certain e-Resources can be accessible within the library premises (Cyber-Lab) only. The mode of access is clearly mentioned with the name of the e-Resource mentioned on the library website – e-Resources
Through remoteXs access facility (login credentials), users can use the library resources.
Current enrolled students and faculty members are eligible for accessing e-resources remotely. RemoteXs Link
To know about the subscribed e-newspapers and magazine. please click on the following link: https://library.iima.ac.in/all_database.html
Indiastat.com can access at a time eight (8) users only. If you faced the problem, use after some time. Please note that after using Indiastat.com please log out.
Please contact reference and database staff (reference@iima.ac.in, database@iima.ac.in) for Venture Intelligence account for login and password.

RemoteXs (9)

Current enrolled students, faculty members and other academic staff are eligible for accessing e-resources remotely with the credentials (User ID-IIMA E-mail ID and Password) provided by the library. RemoteXs Link
All the current enrolled students get Remote Access Credential (IIMA e-mail) in the beginning of the semester after orientation. Faculty get Remote Access Credential (IIMA e-mail) as he/she joins the Institute. RAs/AAs should drop a mail to vslremote@iima.ac.in with cc to respective faculty.
Go to the library web page >> Click on RemoteXS >> Select Request New Password
Open Library Website >> Click on RemoteXS >> Select Forgotten Password. You will get new password in your IIMA e-mail ID. If you need any help in getting password, e-mail to vslremote@iima.ac.in
Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters Eikon, Datastream, ACE Equity, ACE Mutual Fund, Capitaline Plus, AIR (All India Reporter), Power Lingo Fx25 and Prowess IQ. More Information
No, If you share your credentials to other, then you will be responsible for any unauthorized use and penalties imposed by the publishers/database vendors/Institutes.
No, but you should take care in downloading content and only relevant content should be download.
Yes, it is compatible (like Wi-Fi enabled mobile, Tablet)


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About VSL

The Vikram Sarabhai Library (VSL) is named after Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, world renowned physicist and founding Director of IIMA. It was set up in 1962 and is one of the best management libraries in Asia. The library is open 24x7. Our mission is to facilitate convenient and user friendly access to current, global and relevant information by identifying, acquiring, organizing and retrieving information in various formats (print & non print) to serve the information needs of the academic fraternity of IIMA to meet their teaching, research, consulting, training and learning requirements.

Contact Us

The Librarian
Vikram Sarabhai Library,
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad,
Vastrapur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat,
India - 380015

Phone: +91-079-71524977/80
Fax: +91-079-26308345
Email: librarian@iima.ac.in

Copyright @ 2024-25  |  All rights reserved, Vikram Sarabhai Library, IIM Ahmedabad
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