General Rules and Copyright
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General Rules
- Except laptops readers are not allowed to carry their personal belongings (bags, brief-cases, parcels etc.) and eatable items (biscuits, cookies, fruits, chocolates, cold drinks, tea/coffee, etc.) inside the library. Their belongings should be deposited at the security counter.
- Always carry your library membership card when you visit the library, failing so will forbid your entry to library.
- Use of cell phone and smoking inside the library is strictly prohibited.
- Library's photocopying services are fee based and the users must comply with relevant copyright legislation.
- Books or other materials taken from the stacks should not be re-shelved by the readers. Please leave it on the tables to avoid misfiling. Remember that a book misplaced is a book lost.
- Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library material in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he/she will be charged with the full replacement cost of damaged material and may lead to suspension of library account and be barred from entering the library.
- Readers should maintain peace in the library and should not disturb other users in any way. Loud discussions are allowed only in the discussion area.
- Library's computing facilities and database access is meant for IIMA faculty members, students, staff and registered library members only.
- With necessary documents, a research scholar registered with other institutes or universities for Ph.D. can be granted Vikram Sarabhai Library membership with the approval of the Librarian for a limited period only. Also enquire about NICMAN Membership for future details click here.
- The provision of external membership will be decided and approved by the librarian.
- The external members should note that they will not be able to access all e-resources of the library due to copyright restrictions. For further details click here
- Users of the library should note that all e-resources subscribed are licensed materials and cannot be shared with outside community as it may lead to copyright/license violation.
- Readers are requested to handle the Library property carefully to avoid damage.
- Readers leaving the library should allow the library/security staff to examine their personal belongings.
All the online resources, CD-ROMS, Video Cassettes accessible from Vikram Sarabhai Library are copyrighted works. Hence, copying, publishing, disseminating, displaying, performing or playing without permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with fair use of licensed agreement is not allowed. The library may terminate the library membership of users who are found to have repeatedly infringed the copyright of others.
Licensing Restrictions:
Electronic resources listed on the Vikram Sarabhai Library website are restricted by license agreement. They should be used only for the purpose of research, teaching, and private study. Commercial use, systematic downloading, copying or distributing of information is prohibited. The users are requested to strictly comply with these terms.
Quick Links
- My Library (Koha): Library account management
- Institutional Repository (IR): Information on IIMA publications
- Discovery: Single search for all library resources
- A-Z Databases: Searching subscribed databases
- A-Z eJournals: Searching subscribed eJournals
- Subject Guide: Searching library resources on specific topics
- Remote Access: Accessing library resources outside the campus
- Online Payment: Library payments online
- Discussion Rooms: Booking library discussion rooms
- Research Assistance: Getting research help/assistance
- ILL Request: Getting learning materials not available in the library
- Research Training/Orientation Request: Training on library resources/services
- Ask a Librarian: Asking any query related to library
- FAQs: Getting answers to common queries
Need Help?
Any query related to issue/return/renew books, membership, library cards, photocopy, fine charges, overdue books.
( (+91-079-71524977/4988) -
Digital Resources
Any query related to subscribed databases of library, new database suggestion, database registration problem, database licence key.
( (+91-079-71524982/4972) -
Print Resources
Any query related to books acquisition like new purchase suggestion, book lost, print periodicals, suggested book status.
( (+91-079-71524974/4988) -
Any query related to reference service for your project/research like collecting data, acquiring research papers, research training, Inter Library Loan (ILL).
( (+91-079-71524984/4990) -
Technology Applications
Any query related to remote access (off campus access), library database - software installation, technical problems of library computers and equipment.
( (+91-079-71524983/4985)
About VSL
The Vikram Sarabhai Library (VSL) is named after Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, world renowned physicist and founding Director of IIMA. It was set up in 1962 and is one of the best management libraries in Asia. The library is open 24x7. Our mission is to facilitate convenient and user friendly access to current, global and relevant information by identifying, acquiring, organizing and retrieving information in various formats (print & non print) to serve the information needs of the academic fraternity of IIMA to meet their teaching, research, consulting, training and learning requirements.
Useful Links
Contact Us
Vikram Sarabhai Library,
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad,
Vastrapur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat,
India - 380015
Phone: +91-079-71524977/80
Fax: +91-079-26308345
Copyright @ 2024-25 | All rights reserved, Vikram Sarabhai Library, IIM Ahmedabad
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