NAICS to NIC Code Mapping

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Search by NAICS, NIC Code & on industry description

This unique concordance between North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) and Indian National Industrial Classification (NIC-2008) has been hand-created as a part of India Cluster Mapping Project, a joint effort between Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad and Harvard Business School's Institute of Strategy and Competitiveness.(Lead Investigators: Prof. Amit Karna, Prof. Shruti Sharma, Prof. Chitra Singla, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Prof. Michael E. Porter, Harvard Business School Cluster Mapping Project; Richard Bryden, Project Director).

The following search engine has been developed to aid use of the concordance by research community. You can input one of the three fields: NAICS (2-6 digit code), NIC-2008 (2-5 digit code) or industry description. The output can be viewed on the screen, copied as table, or exported in CSV format.



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