Faculty Publications (Books)
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Research handbook on strategic entrepreneurship by Gupta, Vishal K.; Goktan, A. B.; Shirokova, Galina V.; Karna, Amit (2022)

Doing business in India: the PESTEL framework by Agarwal, Anurag K. (2022)

Covid-19 pandemic and economic development emerging public policy lessons for Indian Punjab by Singh, Sukhpal; Singh, Lakhwinder; Vatta, Kamal (2021)

Black box: innovation and public policy in India by Basant, Rakesh (2021)

Asian perspectives on workplace bullying and harassment by D'Cruz, Premilla; Noronha, Ernesto; Mendonca, Avina (2021)

Demystifying leadership: unveiling the Mahabharata code by Kaul, Asha; Gupta, Vishal (2021)

Applied advanced analytics: 6th IIMA international conference on advanced data analysis, business analytics and intelligence by Laha, Arnab Kumar (Ed.) (2021)

Lawfully yours: the realm of business, government and law by Agarwal, Anurag K. (2021)

Handbooks of workplace bullying, emotional abuse and harassment, vol. 1: concepts, approaches and methods by D'Cruz, Premilla (Ed.); Noronha, Ernesto; Notelaers, Guy; Rayner, Charlotte (Eds.) (2021)

Handbooks of workplace bullying, emotional abuse and harassment, vol. 3: dignity and inclusion at work by D'Cruz, Premilla (Ed.); Noronha, Ernesto; Caponecchia, Carlo; Escartin, Jordi; Salin, Denise; Tuckey, Michelle Rae (Eds.) (2021)

Handbooks of workplace bullying, emotional abuse and harassment, vol. 2: pathways of job-related negative behaviour by D'Cruz, Premilla (Ed.); Noronha, Ernesto; Baillien, Elfi; Catley, Bevan; Harlos, Karen; Hogh, Annie; Mikkelsen, Eva Gemzoe (Eds.) (2021)

Handbooks of workplace bullying, emotional abuse and harassment, vol. 4: special topics and particular occupations, professions and sectors by D'Cruz, Premilla (Ed.); Noronha, Ernesto; Keashly, Loraleigh; Tye-Williams, Stacy (Eds.) (2021)

Elephants and cheetahs: the beauty of operations by Mukherjee, Saral (2021)

The age of pandemics, 1817-1920: how they shaped India and the world by Tumbe, Chinmay (2020)

The financial landscape of emerging economies: current state, challenges and solutions by Mishra, Aswini Kumar (Ed.); Arunachalam, Vairam; Mohapatra, Sanket; Olson, Dennis (Eds.) (2020)

Rebels with a cause: famous dissenters and why they are not being heard by Ram Mohan, T. T (2020)
Conceptualizing the ubiquity of informal economy work by D'Souza, Errol (2020)

HR analytics: connection data and theory by Yadav, Rama Shankar; Maheshwari, Sunil (2020)

First among equals: 'T-R-E-A-T' leadership for 'L-E-A-P' in a knowledge-based world by Gupta, Vishal (2020)

Network theory and agent-based modeling in economics and finance by Chakrabarti, Anindya S [Editor] (2019)
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