Faculty Publications (Research Papers)
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Addressing the undergraduate internship challenge in developing countries: A ?learning-by-doing? project-based online internship model by Chand, Vijaya Sherry; Deshmukh, Ketan Satish (2019)


Innovations in Public Administration in India by Garg, Amit; Gupta, Dipti and Pandey, Ashok Kumar (2019)

Contestations around water allocation during a climate crisis in India: The case of ?IPL vs. drought? by Shah, Arpit; Mathur, Navdeep (2019)

Downstream electric utility restructuring and upstream generation efficiency: Productivity dynamics of Indian coal and gas based electricity generators by Sugathan, Anish; Malghan, Deepak, Chandrashekar, S. & Sinhad, Deepak K. (2019)

Robotized and Automated Warehouse Systems: Review and Recent Developments by Azadeh, Kaveh; Koster, Ren? De and Roy, Debjit (2019)

Numeracy and Financial Literacy of Forest-dependent Communities by Balakrishna, Sundar; Virmani, Vineet (2019)

Broker Imposed Precarity of Indian Technical Immigrants by Varkkey, Biju (2019)

Broker imposed precarity of Indian technical immigrants by Sohani, Shrihari S.; Varkkey, Biju (2019)

Examining the role of perceived investment in employees? development on work-engagement of liquid knowledge workers: Moderating effects of psychological contract by Jha, Jatinder Kumar; Pandey, Jatin and Varkkey, Biju (2019)

The geography of medical travel in India: Differences across states, and the urban-rural divide by Chakrabarti, Sandip; Tatavarthy, Aruna Divya (2019)

Security Management at the National Institute of Management: To Outsource or Insource? Cases (A) and (B) by Ravichandran, Narasimhan; Narayanaswami, Sundaravalli (2019)

Falling from Digital Grace: Participation in Online Software Contests Following Loss of Status by Deodhar, Swanand; Babar, Yash & Burtch, Gordon (2019)

Identifying defective network components through restricted group testing by Ghosh, Diptesh (2019)

The Punjab National Bank scam: Ethics versus robust processes by Hanumantu, Kaushik Dora; Worlikar, Vidula & Narayanaswami, Sundaravalli (2019)

Grapevine or informed selection: Significance of quality attributes in India?s emerging wine market by Deodhar, Satish Y; Singh, Swati (2019)

Spirituality and innovative behaviour in teams: Examining the mediating role of team learning by Pandey, Ashish; Gupta, Vishal & Guptac, Rajen K. (2019)

Ownership structure and corporate social responsibility in an emerging market by Sahasranamam, Sreevas; Arya, Bindu & Sud, Mukesh (2019)

Developing an emic scale to measure ad-evoked nostalgia in a collectivist emerging market, India☆ by Jain, Varsha; Merchant, Altaf, Roy, Subhadip & Ford, John B. (2019)
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