Faculty Publications (Research Papers)
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Financial support vis-a-vis share of wind generation: Is there an inflection point? by Garg, Amit; Das, Abhiman and Gupta, Dipti (2019)

Emergence of frustration signals systemic risk by Kuyyamudi, Chandrashekar; Chakrabarti, Anindya S.and Sinha, Sitabhra (2019)

What motivates members to transact on social C2C communities? A theoretical explanation by Trehan, Deepak; Sharma, Rajat (2019)

Indian Freelancers in the Platform Economy: Prospects and Problems by D?Cruz, Premilla; Noronha, Ernesto (2019)

The Interface Between Significant Others and Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment by Pellegrini, Priscila Gasperin; Tolfo, Suzana da Rosa, Bolze, Simone Dill Azeredo and D?Cruz, Premilla (2019)

Impostor phenomenon in STEM: occurrence, attribution, and identity by Chakraverty, Devasmita (2019)

Depersonalized Bullying: An Emergent Concern in the Contemporary Workplace by Berlingieri, Adriana; D?Cruz, Premilla (2019)
Modeling a Decision-Maker's Choice Behavior Through Perceived Values by Aggarwal, Manish (2019)

Strategizing in small informal retailers in India: Home delivery as a strategic practice by Pathak, Atul Arun; Kandathil, George (2019)
Impact of regulatory framework on bidding behavior of firms: Policy implications for the oil & gas sector by Sharma, S.; Sud, Mukesh (2019)

Fashions, framing and expertise: ethical hazards for economists by Khera, Reetika (2019)

New Valid Inequalities for the Optimal Communication Spanning Tree Problem by Agarwal, Yogesh Kumar; Venkateshan, Prahalad (2019)

New valid inequalities for the optimal communication spanning tree problem by Venkateshan, Prahalad; Agarwal, Yogesh Kumar (2019)

A cutting plane approach for the multi-machine precedence-constrained scheduling problem by Venkateshan, Prahalad; Szmerekovsky, Joseph; Vairaktarakis, George (2019)

Attitudinal choice models with applications in human decision making by Aggarwal, Manish (2019)

?Context? in healthcare information technology resistance: A systematic review of extant literature and agenda for future research by Kumar, Mayank; Singh, Jang Bahadur, Chandwani, Rajesh & Gupta, Agam (2019)
Positive Religious Coping as a Mechanism for Enhancing Job Satisfaction and Reducing Work-family Conflict: A Moderated Mediation Analysis by Pandey, Jatin; Singh, Manjari (2019)
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