Faculty Publications (Research Papers)
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Dynamic managerial capabilities: a critical synthesis and future directions by Baishya, Somnath; Karna, Amit; Mahapatra, Diptiranjan; Kumar, Satish & Mukherjee, Debmalya (2024)

Adoption of agronomic practices and their impact oncrop yield and income: an analysis for black gram andgreen gram in India by Varma, Poornima; Manda, Julius (2024)

Trend and determinants of tobacco use among Indian males over a 22-year period (1998-2021) using nationally representative data by Gupta, Shibaji; Mal, Piyasa; Bhadra, Dhiman; Rajaa, Sathish; Goel, Sonu (2024)
Problem of plenty? understanding the impact of choice and information overload on Airbnb bookings by Karthick, V Athi; Majumdar, Adrija; Bose, Indranil (2024)

What explains rice exports? an analysis of major rice-exporting countries by Varma, Poornima; (2024)

Cut the scrap? the impact of truck age on driver retention, driving safety, and driving productivity by Vries, Jelle de; Roy, Debjit (2024)

Spokesperson effectiveness in B2B advertising: spokesperson characteristics and posture using eye-tracking by Dutta, Tanusree; Roy, Subhadip ; Sarkar, Soumya & Nag, Sudipa (2024)

I bond, I engage, I visit: investigating the effects of vloggers tourist engagement and its outcome on tourist attitudes by Roy, Subhadip; Attri, Rekha (2024)

Creating safe spaces through exclusionary boundaries: examining employers treatment of domestic workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in India by Kulkarni, Vaibhavi; Gupta, Namita; Panicker, Arohi (2024)

What happens when parents find violence acceptable? A case of violent-humorous commercials targeted at children by Vijayalakshmi, Akshaya; Laczniak, Russell N. (2024)

Environmental identity and perceived salience of policy issues in coastal communities: a moderated-mediation analysis by Rachel George, Pallavi; Gupta, Vishal (2024)

Interpretable classifier models for decision support using high utility gain patterns by Krishnamoorthy, Srikumar; (2024)

Does David make a Goliath? Impact of rivals expertise signals on online user engagement by Tandon, Ayushi; Deodhar, Swanand J.; Tandon, Abhas and Tripathi, Abhinav (2024)

A machine learning approach to solve the e-commerce box-sizing problem by Shanthan, Kandula; Roy, Debjit and Akartunalı, Kerem (2024)

Delta-perturbation of bilevel optimization problems: an error bound analysis by Antoniou, Margarita; Sinha, Ankur & Papa, Gregor (2024)

Moderating effect of chief executive officer servant leadership on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance by Chaudhary, Sanjay; Gupta, Vishal K; Singla, Chitra (2024)

Product market shock, stakeholder relationships, and trade credit by Srivastava, Jagriti; Gopalakrishnan, Balagopal; Tharyan, Rajesh (2024)

The impact of board characteristics on the financial slack CSR relationship: evidence from the Indian hospitality and tourism industry by Tewari, Shobha; Karthika, S.; Bhattacharya, Bibek and Singal, Manisha (2024)
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