Faculty Publications (Research Papers)
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Opening First-Party App Resources: Empirical Evidence of Free-Riding by Soh, Franck; Setia, Pankaj; Grover, Varun (2024)

Multi-plant firms and the heavy tail of firm size distribution by Chakrabarti, Anindya S.; Tomar, Shekhar (2024)

Women's empowerment and intra-household diet diversity across the urban continuum: Evidence from India?s DHS by Gupta, Soumya; Seth, Payal; Vemireddy, Vidya; Pingali, Prabhu (2024)

An exact method for trilevel hub location problem with interdiction by Ramamoorthy, Prasanna; Jayaswal, Sachin; Sinha, Ankur; Vidyarthi, Navneet (2024)

Addressing difficulties with abstract thinking for low-literate, low-income consumers through marketplace literacy: a bottom-up approach to consumer and marketing education by Viswanathan, Madhu; Jaikumar, Saravana; Sreekumar, Arun; Dutta, Shantanu; Duhachek, Adam (2024)

COVID-19 pandemic intensity, migration status, and household financial vulnerability: evidence from India by Mohapatra, Sanket; Nigania, Akshita (2024)

Small-scale irrigation: improving food security under changing climate and water resource conditions in Ethiopia by Zhang, Ying; Sankaranarayanan, Sriram; Nie, Wanshu; Zaitchik, Ben and Siddiqui, Sauleh (2024)

In the driver?s seat: the role of transformational leadership in safe and productive truck cargo transport by Pasparakis, Alexandros; Vries, Jelle de; Koster, Ren? de; Roy, Debjit (2024)

Doing "reputation" in the Indian context: an employee perspective by Desai, Avani; Kaul, Asha and Chaudhri, Vidhi (2024)

Who benefits from supplierencroachment in the presence ofmanufacturing cost learning? by Gupta, Ayush; Jayaswal, Sachin; Mantin, Benny (2024)

Who benefits from supplier encroachment in the presence of manufacturing cost learning? by Gupta, Ayush; Jayaswal, Sachin; Mantin, Benny (2024)

Workplace Violence and the Impostor Phenomenon in Medicine: A US-Based Qualitative Study by Chakraverty, Devasmita (2024)

Contesting social responsibilities of business: Centring context, experience, and relationality by D'Cruz, Premilla; Delannon, Nolywe; Kourula, Arno; McCarthy, Lauren; Moon, Jeremy; Spence, Laura J (2024)

Are green and healthy building labels counterproductive in emerging markets? An examination of office rental contracts in India by Banerjee, Anirban; Das, Prashant; Fuerst, Franz (2024)

Environmental claims under Indian insolvency law: concepts and challenges by Ram Mohan, M. P.; Prasad, Sriram (2024)

Addressing grand challenges through the bottom-up marketing approach: Lessons from subsistence marketplaces and marketplace literacy by Viswanathan, Madhu; Sreekumar, Arun; Sridharan, Srinivas; Sinha, Gaurav R. (2024)

Technology-enabled agent choice and uptake of social assistance programs: evidence from India's food security program by Allu, Rakesh; Ganesh, Maya; Deo, Sarang and Devalkar, Sripad K. (2024)

Women at multiple levels of strategic leadership: evidence of gender spillovers by Edacherian, Saneesh; Karna, Amit; Uhlenbruck, Klaus; Sharma, Sunil (2024)

One Nation, One Ration, Limited Interstate Traction: Migration and PDS Portability in India by Tumbe, Chinmay; Jha, Rahul Kumar (2024)

The origin of return correlation networks by Banerjee, Anirban; Chakrabarti, Arnab and Chakrabarti, Anindya S (2024)
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