Databases start from W
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Web of Science
Web of Science is a multidisciplinary research citation indexing database, provides complete bibliographical data, citations, and abstracts to the journal articles, book chapters, and proceeding papers across a wide range of disciplines, i.e., sciences, social sciences, and arts & humanities. It covers peer-reviewed, high-quality scholarly journals/books, including open access published worldwide. The collection includes the following citation indices:
(1) Science Citation Index Expanded (1990-present)
(2) Social Sciences Citation Index (1990-present)
(3) Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1990-present)
(4) Conference Proceedings Citation Index (1990-present)
(5) Emerging Sources Citation Index (2005-present)
(6) Book Citation Index (2005-present)
- Campus wide Access
The database provides legal information with trusted legal sources, news and business sources from around the world including case law, legislation, law reviews, treatises, and directories organized by topical and jurisdictional libraries, business information and news, including business public records.
World Bank eLibrary
The eLibrary offers full-text access to the complete backlist of all books, working papers, and journal articles published by the World Bank since the 1990s. Covers more than 20 disciplines related to poverty, development, and social science including economic and human development, agriculture, infrastructure, health, education, climate change, natural resources, and regional integration.
WRDS is the Wharton Research Data Service that is mainly a very convenient research platform to manage the large data sets and its subscription includes about 14 free databases. WRDS provides the user with one location to access over 200 terabytes of data across multiple disciplines including Finance, Marketing, and Economics.
Using the same credentials, the following tools are also accessible.
- Campus wide Access | One time registration required
WRDS - Python (JupyterHub)
Python is a widely used high-level programming language and plays a major role in large-scale data analytics applications. WRDS provides a direct interface for Python access and allowing native querying of WRDS data right within the Python program.
- Campus wide Access | One time registration required
WRDS - R Studio
R is a programming language and a software environment for statistical computing and research, and offers robust data analytics and information processing capabilities. It includes powerful tools to analyze and interpret data, particularly via its graphing and plotting capabilities, and it is popular among data scientists and programmers. WRDS provides a direct interface for R access and allowing native querying of WRDS data right within the R program.
- Campus wide Access | One time registration required
WRDS - SAS Studio
SAS is a powerful research software for advanced analytics, multivariate analyses, business intelligence, data management, and predictive analytics. SAS offers robust and mature feature data analytics. WRDS provides all data in SAS format and allowing native querying of WRDS data right within the SAS programs.
- Campus wide Access | One time registration required
The Vikram Sarabhai Library has 115+ databases in its e-resources collection. The databases have been divided into different categories content wise like company & country database, scholarly resources, research support resources and legal databases. These databases fulfill the specific requirements sought by the users.
- Most of the databases are accessible through IP, while some databases require log-in ID & password.
- The faculty and existing students can access the databases off-campus through Remote Access.
- The Databases should be used solely for academic and research needs and not for any commercial purpose.
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Need Help?
Any query related to issue/return/renew books, membership, library cards, photocopy, fine charges, overdue books.
( (+91-079-71524977/4988) -
Digital Resources
Any query related to subscribed databases of library, new database suggestion, database registration problem, database licence key.
( (+91-079-71524982/4972) -
Print Resources
Any query related to books acquisition like new purchase suggestion, book lost, print periodicals, suggested book status.
( (+91-079-71524974/4988) -
Any query related to reference service for your project/research like collecting data, acquiring research papers, research training, Inter Library Loan (ILL).
( (+91-079-71524984/4990) -
Technology Applications
Any query related to remote access (off campus access), library database - software installation, technical problems of library computers and equipment.
( (+91-079-71524983/4985)
About VSL
The Vikram Sarabhai Library (VSL) is named after Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, world renowned physicist and founding Director of IIMA. It was set up in 1962 and is one of the best management libraries in Asia. The library is open 24x7. Our mission is to facilitate convenient and user friendly access to current, global and relevant information by identifying, acquiring, organizing and retrieving information in various formats (print & non print) to serve the information needs of the academic fraternity of IIMA to meet their teaching, research, consulting, training and learning requirements.
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Contact Us
Vikram Sarabhai Library,
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad,
Vastrapur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat,
India - 380015
Phone: +91-079-71524977/80
Fax: +91-079-26308345
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