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S&P Capital IQ Pro (FIG & Real Estate)

FIG (ex-SNL) provides information on worldwide bank analysis, on an integrated online platform along with Excel. This platform covers 56,000+ listed, non-listed and subsidiary banks (30,000+ active), 58,000+ asset management companies, 11,000+ speciality finance companies, 18000+ investment banks and broker-dealers globally i.e. Americas, Asia- Pacific, Europe, Middle East, and Africa with comprehensive, reliable and timely financial data, including 100-600+ items. All items are available in the form of a heavily vetted banking specific template. Using the Market Intelligence platform, the researcher can identify regulatory red flags and take pre-emptive action. From loan portfolio analysis to credit risk, you can quickly identify key risks and potential problems compared to your peers. Market Intelligence platform also gives you instant access to the data that the researcher needs to evaluate their branch network and make the most of it based on geographic, demographic and financial factors.

Real Estate: The database tracks thousands of real estate properties around the world. The properties section within a company's briefing book gives you detailed information on a company's property portfolio, including property transactions, properties in its development pipeline, top tenants and top markets. Data is sourced from the company press releases, web sites, annual reports and government filings. For more detail please find the attached brochure.

Sage eBooks

Library has acquired selected 15 Encyclopedia and Handbooks on the following topics; Microfinance, Rehabilitation, Cultural interventions, Business Ethics, Hospitality Management, Classroom Assessment, Governance, Measurement, Statistics and etc.

  • Campus wide Access

SAGE Journals

It offers journals in business, humanities, social sciences, and science, technology and medicine. Library subscribes more than 518 titles in the HSS and business collection.

  • Campus wide Access

Sage Research Methods Online

The database is a research tool designed to help in create research projects and understand the methods behind them. Users can explore method concept to help them design research project, understand particular method, identify new method for their research.

  • Campus wide Access

SCC Online

SCC Online is the collection of over 450 databases of Indian Case law from the Supreme Court of India, All High Courts, Tribunals and Commissions as well as several foreign jurisdictions and important International Law. Access to Compact and Comprehensive Digest Notes which contains ruling in capsule form along with party names, citations, names of Judges, bench strength, date of the decision and relevant annotation. Browse into hundreds of Law reviews and Law Reports, Analytical Legal News and Blogs on the latest Judgements. Browse statutory law and access secondary materials like Bills in parliament, Constitutional Documents like Constitutional assembly debates, Historical Trials, Policy Documents and reports of commissions, etc.

Science Direct (Elsevier)

Library subscribes many e-journals from different packages related to Business and Economics from Elsevier. These all are available with back-files (Vol. 1, Issue 1 up to year 1994). Subjects cover; business, management and accounting, decision sciences, economics, econometrics and finance, agriculture and biological sciences, pharmacology, toxicology and pharmaceutics.

  • Campus wide Access

Science Online

Science Online includes specially selected content that composes a virtual study guide for the most researched scientific disciplines, including biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, environmental science, marine science, space and astronomy, and physics.

  • Campus wide Access

Scientific American

One of the most popular science magazine. Many famous scientists, including Albert Einstein, have contributed articles to it. covering all fields of health, science, technology, and the environment.

  • Campus wide Access


The database allows users to search for financial and non-financial information based on user-specified search strings from the various SEC filings and PCAOB Inspection Reports from 1994-2017 with daily updates.

  • Campus wide Access

South Asia Commons

The South Asia Commons is an extensive resource for students and scholars across the humanities and social sciences. The historical documents within the Archive are truly interdisciplinary, reflecting the varied range of knowledge production in colonial and early post-colonial India. It contains more than 4.5 million pages spanning the period of the 18th and mid-20th century from documents across the Indian subcontinent, including India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.


This database offers to 1778 journals with perpetual access on different disciplines like; business and management, accounting & finance, mathematics, marketing, education and transportation, etc.

  • Campus wide Access

Sprinklr (Free Research Tool for IIMA)

This resource includes 100s of billions of public conversations through modern channels. Sprinklr has partner connections with 25 social platforms, 350 million web sources, and 10 messaging platforms. A simple search in the Sprinklr explorer will enable the Institute community to AI-based analysis of real-time conversations from modern channels alongside traditional channels. This will help in studying human sentiments around the topic, and not just numbers.


Statista is an online statistics, market research and business intelligence portal. It provides access to data from market and opinion research institutions [GFK, Scarborough - Nielsen, Ipsos, Euromonitor, Kantar etc.] as well as from business organizations [Consultancies - KPMG, Deloitte, Boston Consulting Group - BCG, PWC, Etc.] and government institutions [Official Statistical bureaus Etc.]. The platform consists over 10,00,000 Statistics (Daily almost 500 new and updated) on over 3000 topics [Topics Overview] from more than 22,500 sources [Agriculture Industry in Europe, Air Carrier market in India] with 120 Industry reports [Agriculture, Consumer Goods & FMCG, E-commerce, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Automotive, Pharmaceuticals, Media, Advertising, Technology].

  • Campus wide Access


The Vikram Sarabhai Library has 115+ databases in its e-resources collection. The databases have been divided into different categories content wise like company & country database, scholarly resources, research support resources and legal databases. These databases fulfill the specific requirements sought by the users.

  • Most of the databases are accessible through IP, while some databases require log-in ID & password.
  • The faculty and existing students can access the databases off-campus through Remote Access.
  • The Databases should be used solely for academic and research needs and not for any commercial purpose.
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The Vikram Sarabhai Library (VSL) is named after Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, world renowned physicist and founding Director of IIMA. It was set up in 1962 and is one of the best management libraries in Asia. The library is open 24x7. Our mission is to facilitate convenient and user friendly access to current, global and relevant information by identifying, acquiring, organizing and retrieving information in various formats (print & non print) to serve the information needs of the academic fraternity of IIMA to meet their teaching, research, consulting, training and learning requirements.

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Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad,
Vastrapur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat,
India - 380015

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